Electrolux AP Canister Vacuum Filters - 2 Pack (EnviroCare 902)
Fits original manufacture part numbers : 200, 350, 622, 10, 079. AP100 filter-g2 fits older style Electrolux canister vacuums. Designed to fit Electrolux canister vacuums models: AP 100 Series including C141A, C141F, C152b, C101A, C101G, C101H, C101J, C101L, C102A, C102D, C102G, C102J, C151D, C151G, C153C, C153D, C141B, C141D, C101K, C141C, C141E, C141G, C152C, C102K, C153A, C152E, C151C, Epic 6500 Diplomat, all Ambassador, all LE, all Full Kit DC15 2100. Does not fit the Renaissance and is not a replacement for the large plastic case exterior filter on the 8000, 9000 or Guardian models.